The Story
US Origins
THE SEND was born out of the prayer movement The Call. After a catalytic gathering called Azusa Now, a collaboration of leaders came together to found THE SEND. Those leaders were Andy Byrd (Youth With A Mission), Brian Brennt (Circuit Riders), Daniel Kolenda (Christ For All Nations), Michael Koulianos (Jesus Image), Teo Hayashi (Dunamis Movement), Todd White (Lifestyle Christianity) and Lou Engle (The Call). The vision was for a gathering where success was not the number gathered but the number activated to reach one of five key mission fields:
Secondary Schools 
Serving Vulnerable Children
& Workplaces
From the first gathering at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida it was clear this was not an event but a movement. A generation was ready to move from inspiration to action. Over the last years THE SEND has filled stadiums and arenas in the US, Brazil and Norway and tens of thousands of people have committed to take missional action is the result. Take a look at the impact of each gathering below.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
the send
uk & ireland
As THE SEND movement began to spread, word of a Norwegian gathering piqued the interest of several in the UK who were longing for something similar to happen in their nations: A missions-sending movement leading to revival.

After seeing how God moved in Norway a UK team approached the US team burning to know how they could carry THE SEND into the UK & Ireland. After a year and a half of discerning this in October 2023 they drew together a team and began to put into action a plan to see mass gatherings in the name of Jesus across the UK & Ireland.
In November 2023 THE SEND UK & Ireland gathered leaders from nationwide organisations that share the vision in seeing a generation step into the mission field. Hearts were stirred and the vision was sealed as organisational and denominational barriers were broken down in the name of Jesus.

Just weeks later in December 450 young people gathered on Oxford Street in London, calling on God to bring revival in their generation before moving into action with 200 taking to the streets to share the name of Jesus with passer-by's; A night that saw multiple healings and 10 people led to Jesus in 40 minutes.
'Do it again'
Our cry for the UK & Ireland is ‘Lord do it again.’ Reclaim our heritage. Revive our people. Make us a great sending nation again. We long to see a new generation step into the mantle that past revivalists have formed in our lands, recognising the impact that 1 can have in leading 1,000 back to the Lord.

‘Do it again’ is our prayer and our belief that God has not finished with us and is a redeemer God, longing to pour out his spirit as his people come back to him and say yes to a lifestyle marked by missional living.
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church
Bring your church

Are you in?
Can you help to spread the word and resource the movement?

We need generous people like you to help fund the SEND UK & Ireland.

That’s why we’re believing for 1,000 to give £1,000 over the next 2 years.

Whether thats something you’re able to do or not. Please click the button below to explore giving options.

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